
Task 4

Innayah Helmi 22217930 3EB09 --Excercise page 7-- The doctor made the patient stay in bed. (stay) Mrs. Crane had her house painted. (paint) The teacher had the class write a 2000-word research paper.(write) Don got some kids in the neighborhood to clean out his garage.(clean) We had a professional photographer taken pictures of everyone in our wedding. (take) Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank filled. (fill) I got Mary to lend me some money so I could go to a movie last night. (lend) --Excercise Page 15-- George is a careless writer. He writes carelessly. Frank asked me an easy question. I answered it easily. Ali speaks English very well. He has a very good pronunciation. Hannah dance beautifully. She is a beautiful dancer. Hugh sneaks in quietly. The house he is in is very quiet. --Excercise Page 16-- I find this case  unusual. adjecive He was nervous about it. adjective I found the money easily. adverb We became thristy. adje

Antecedents of pronouns dan Dangling constructions

Nama : Innayah Helmi NPM : 22217930 Kelas : 3EB09 Question: carilah dan tuliskan makna dari antecendents of pronouns dan dangling construction. Kemudian berikan contohnya Antecedents of pronoun Antecedents is a thing that goes before, i mean by is that before if we're talking about, if we setup something in a sentence.So antecendents of pronoun clarify who is appointed in a pronoun she, he, or it. Example : innayah rode her bike to the grocery store. she bought some garlic and spoon. Explanation : When we talk this pronoun she. in relatio to the first sentence, that proper noun 'innayah'. 'innayah’ is the antecedent is the thing that goes before the pronoun she. when you use a pronoun, you are refering back to something else, the thing that went before, the antecedent, the thing has come previously. Dangling Construction Dangling construction/dangling modifier is a word or phrase that describes another word or phrase. Example : Flashing lightnting

Ivan Gunawan as an Entertainment Designer

Ivan Gunawan was born  (past tense)   in Jakarta 31 December 1981, he is  an artist who owns   (present tense)   many businesses in the fields of fashion to cosmetics. Since childhood, Ivan Gunawan   dreamed  (past tense) of  being a famous entertainer   designer, it could be seen   (passive voice) from his hobby which  was   (past tense) drawing clothes designs. He’s excited about designing a dress.   This high school graduate man is    (present tense) a niece of Adjie Notonegoro who is (present tense) a well-known designer in Indonesia. He began    (past tense) his career as an assistant to Adjie Notonegoro.  He’s excited about designing a dress.  After working with his uncle, Ivan Gunawan began   (past tense) to ventur e  to start a business in the field of fashion Thanks to his hard work, the business that Ivan Gunawan is doing  (present continuous ) has now spread  to various cities in Indonesia.  (present perfect). The following are   (present tense) the businesses owned   (



Halo teman-teman semua! Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan memberikan sedikit ilmu pengetahuan tentang momentum terjadinya perjanjian atau kontrak. kalian tau gak sih kontrak itu apa? ketentuan apa aja yang mengatur perjanjian/kontrak? udah pada tau juga belum perihal teori-teori momentum terjadinya kontrak beserta contohnya? Kalau kalian belum tau, kalian harus baca postingan ini sampai habis ya! Sebelumnya Kontrak atau Perjanjian itu apa sih? Jadi, pengertian kontrak atau perjanjian itu adalah kesepakatan antara dua orang atau lebih mengenai hal tertentu yang disetujui oleh mereka. Persetujuan atau kesepakatan dalam suatu perjanjian dapat diperoleh melalui suatu proses penawaran dan penerimaan. Pembaca perlu tau juga kalau perjanjian/kontrak memiliki ketentuan-ketentuan yang diatur dalam pasal 1320 KUH Perdata dan 1338 KUH Perdata. Ketentuan yang berasal dari pasal 1320 KUH Perdata ternyata hanya disebutkan bahwa perjanjian cukup dengan adanya konsensus (kata sepakat) dari masing


      LAPORAN KEU ANGAN KOPERASI Disusun Oleh: Innaya Helmi (22217930) KELAS 2EB09 FAKULTAS EKONOMI JURUSAN AKUNTANSI 2018 BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN A.     Latar Belakang laporan keuangan koperasi adalah   poran keuangan koperasi adalah anggota koperasi, pengurus, pengawas serta stakeholder lain (pemerintah, kreditur dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan) maka laporan keuangan harus memenuhi ketentuan dalam penyajian kualitatif laporan keuangan SHU koperasi yang diterima oleh setiap anggota akan berbeda,tergantung besarnya partisipasi modal dan transaksi anggota terhadap   pembentukan pendapan koperasi. Dalam pengertian ini, juga di jelaskan bahwa ada   hubungan linear antara transaksi usaha anggota dan koperasinya dalam perolehan   SHU. Artinya, semakin besar transaksi (usahadan modal) anggota dengan   koperasinya, maka semakin besar SHU yang akan diterima.                               BAB ll PEMBAHASAN     A.    LAPORAN KEUANGAN KOPERASI La