Ivan Gunawan as an Entertainment Designer

Ivan Gunawan was born (past tense) in Jakarta 31 December 1981, he is an artist who owns (present tense) many businesses in the fields of fashion to cosmetics. Since childhood, Ivan Gunawan dreamed (past tense) of being a famous entertainer designer, it could be seen (passive voice) from his hobby which was (past tense) drawing clothes designs. He’s excited about designing a dress. 
This high school graduate man is  (present tense) a niece of Adjie Notonegoro who is (present tense) a well-known designer in Indonesia. He began  (past tense) his career as an assistant to Adjie Notonegoro. He’s excited about designing a dress. After working with his uncle, Ivan Gunawan began (past tense) to venture to start a business in the field of fashion
Thanks to his hard work, the business that Ivan Gunawan is doing (present continuous) has now spread to various cities in Indonesia. (present perfect). The following are (present tense) the businesses owned (passive voice) by Ivan Gunawan:
1. LOVE by Ivan Gunawan
As a designer, ivan gunawan gives (present tense) a special place to his customers if they want  (present tense) to order a dress named LOVE. This brand specializes (present tense) in selling dresses for weddings and various formal events.
2. Jajaka X Ivan Gunawan
This brand was built (past tense) by Ivan Gunawan with the concept of combining modern culture with Indonesian taste. Jajaka X Ivan Gunawan provides (present tense) clothes, accessories, bags and shoes made (passive voice) for men and women who love (present tense) unique fashion styles.
3. Mandja Hidjab by Ivan Gunawan
Because of the rampant hijab business, Ivan Gunawan is also interested (present, passive voice) in running a business in this field. Opened since 2016, there are (present tense) currently 10 outlets in Indonesia
4. Khalif Menswear by Ivan Gunawan
After creating a collection of Muslim clothing for women, Ivan Gunawan re-launched (past tense) his own fashion brand specifically for men named Khalif Menswear. Khalif Menswear offers  (present tense) a casual and sporty style of Islamic fashion.
5. Ivan Gunawan Cosmetics
Not satisfied (passive voice) with the fashion business, Ivan Gunawan is now starting (present continuous) a business in the cosmetics field with the brand named (passive voice) Ivan Gunawan Cosmetics. The products released are (present tense) pallet eyeshadow, shimmer, matte or moist lipstick, blush, eyeliner, eyebrow, lip liner, and mascara.
6. Minime
In addition to the fashion business for adult women and men, currently he also makes (present tense) a clothing line with a special design for children. This Muslim fashion brand for children is (present tense) the result of Ivan Gunawan's collaboration with singer Rossa.
Among all the businesses that have been mentioned (present, passive voice) a lot of Ivan Gunawan's design works are worn (present, passive voice) by well-known Indonesian artists, for example Ivan Gunawan once designed (past tense) a dress worn by Kevin Liliana at the Miss International 2017 event. In the same year, Ivan designed (past tense) Intan Azzahra's wedding gown with the theme of fairyland, the dress went viral on Instagram and covered (past tense) by an international news media, DailyMail.
- using gerunds -
1. Ivan Gunawan is now starting a business in the cosmetics field with the brand named Ivan Gunawan Cosmetics.
2. He’s excited about designing a dress
- personal pronounce -
1. He
2. his


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