Antecedents of pronouns dan Dangling constructions

Nama : Innayah Helmi
NPM : 22217930
Kelas : 3EB09

Question: carilah dan tuliskan makna dari antecendents of pronouns dan dangling construction. Kemudian berikan contohnya

Antecedents of pronoun
Antecedents is a thing that goes before, i mean by is that before if we're talking about, if we setup something in a sentence.So antecendents of pronoun clarify who is appointed in a pronoun she, he, or it.

Example :
innayah rode her bike to the grocery store. she bought some garlic and spoon.

Explanation :
When we talk this pronoun she. in relatio to the first sentence, that proper noun 'innayah'. 'innayah’ is the antecedent is the thing that goes before the pronoun she. when you use a pronoun, you are refering back to something else, the thing that went before, the antecedent, the thing has come previously.

Dangling Construction

Dangling construction/dangling modifier is a word or phrase that describes another word or phrase.

Example :
Flashing lightnting and thunder, the little bunny struggled through the storm.

Explanation :
This sentence has a modifier sentence, that is 'flashing lightnting and thunder' and the phrase is 'the little bunny'. and then flashing lightnting and thunder is not describing the little bunny. so the modifier is actually supposed to be modifying the storm, because in the sentence have lightning and thunder, flashing, all those things describe the storm.

Task 3 - Dialogue
I : Innayah as customer
CS : Customer service on the phone
IT : Programmer website

CS 1 : Good afternoon, iLab Gunadarma customer service, how may i help you?
I : yes, i want to complain about my courses.
CS 1 : before that, can you spell your name and your student number?
I : yes, i n n a y a h and then 22217930
CS 1 : thankyou, then what’s your problem?
I : I want to ask you why my subject on the website just two courses, why missing one?
CS 1 : i’m sorry about that, do you have entered the subject to your KRS online?
I : yes i do, but the course still not increased
CS 1 : okay innayah, i will check your subject on our system, would you mine waiting the process? Please dont turn off the call
I : okay.
CS 1 : Mrs, can you check the courses of innayah? the number is 22217930, she said she already add the course on the website but nothing happened.
IT : okay, wait a minute.. i know where’s the problem, when she want to add the course, she should upload a screenshot of KRS with the subject in it. It because we should make sure she add the subject on the KRS or not.
CS 1 : then, just because she put the subject on KRS, not really she can add the course on the website? Why the system not working by online to verify that?
IT : yes, she cant. I don’t know, maybe you can complain too on the next meeting to the lecturer. He handle that.
CS 1 : okay, thank you mrs.

CS 1 : Hello Innayah, are you still there?
I : yes of course
CS 1 : i have found out what makes you can’t add the course, before you add the course, you must to upload the screenshot of the KRS to the web and then we can verify your subject, and i can help you to add the course then.
I : Oh, i didn’t know that, thank you for the information, i would to upload the screenshot after this call.
CS 1 : you’re welcome innayah.


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